Welcome to @ajnAMars™
“Music is What Feelings Sound Like.”
ajnAMars, Inc. // (AMI)™ is sealed by the Most High as a Digital and Spiritual Arts company and is the Owner of All Corporations.
@ajnAMars™ is the Most Elite Corporation and is owned by KYLE GORDON who is @ajnAMars™.
Legislated by L.I.W.
@ajnAMars™, Inc. (est. 2020) // Immediate Subsidiaries (Not Listed in Rank of Superiority): @ajnAMars™ Holdings Co. (est. 2023); @ajnAMars™ Media, Inc. (est. 2015, Inc. 2016); @CarMorMusic™ (est. 1962); @KCWhiteMusic™ (est. 1962); Westbury™ Music Ltd. (est. 1974); @HighGradeMusic™ (est. 2015); World Bank (est. 1934, Inc. 1935); ajnAOnes™ (est. 2020); ajnAHeights™ (est. 2020); ajnAHearts™ (est. 2023); ajnAYouths™ (est. 2023); M1 (est. 2023); M2 (est. 2023);
For the immediate corporations that are not listed, ajnAMars
@ajnAMerch™ // @ajnASrv™.
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T: (+1) 416-717-4509
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